Introduction to Experiment

The key to the overthrow of the Watson-Crick structure, which I regard as a biologically-irrelevant laboratory artifact, is to demonstrate the following two things:

  1. That the strands of a native circular duplex chromosome can be non-destructively separated, and
  2. That the separated strands can be reannealed to yield the reconstituted native duplex, with all its physical properties restored.

Neither of these things would be topologically possible if DNA had a net helical twist. But, although nearly the entirety of the molecular biological establishment dogmatically screams "Impossible!", the fact of the matter is that both these things have already been accomplished! To anyone who believes in the power and ultimate triumph of logical thought, the situation is fairly beyond belief. The strand separation was published (Tai Te Wu, 1996), and the result has never been questioned or challenged, but the world of molecular biology has done a masterful job of ignoring it completely.

The reannealing, however, was not published, except for an incomplete and imperfect student lab effort, which I duly noted in my publication on the experimental protocols to be described below (Biegeleisen, 2016).

Enough history – see the videos and PowerPoint presentations on this web site for more.

Now let us proceed to the experimental protocols, starting with strand separation. The above-referenced Tai Te Wu experiment was very difficult, expensive and time-consuming. No one will ever attempt to repeat it. In sharp contrast, the protocol presented here is easy, cheap and takes only a few hours to complete. If so, why don't I do it myself? Because I cannot afford the cost of the laboratory within which the experiment must be done. In any lab in which research involving plasmid DNA is done, of which there are thousands in the world, the experiment would cost about $20, and would take only a few hours to complete. But the lab itself would cost $100,000. I have never in my life had $100,000, and I never will. No one with a lab will collaborate with me. No one will even rent me space in their lab. The ball is therefore in your hands now.

Click here to proceed to the strand separation experiment.


Click here to proceed to the strand-reannealing experiment (much more difficult).
